A Couple of Insights and Observations
Reflecting on my two-month experiment writing a weekday newsletter.
“Try a thing you haven't done three times. Once, to get over the fear of doing it. Twice, to learn how to do it. And a third time to figure out whether you like it or not.”
—Virgil Thomson
If you have been following the journey of Aspire to Impact, you know this little experiment began in late April. The idea was to create a weekday newsletter intended to give readers a nudge to go for their dreams and deliver on their potential. The hidden agenda (there is always a hidden agenda, sometimes not even known to the author, but it is there) was to create a space where I could explore ideas and flesh them out for some leadership development work I am doing.
Since the first issue appeared on April 28th, and it was more of a purpose post than an actual issue, I am viewing this June 29th issue as the two-month anniversary. With 43 issues behind me, it seems like a good time to reflect on the experience and consider the path forward.
Photo by Stefan Spassov on Unsplash
Let’s start by considering the good stuff…
In its short history, Aspire to Impact has attracted a base of subscribers, about half of whom open each e-mailed issue. That seems like a good thing. Various issues have attracted a comment or two, some have been shared, and others have received email replies in response to questions asked in the issue.
On a personal level, the writing has done what I had hoped — given me a place to sort out my thinking before taking the next step with it. It has moved me closer to building a solid habit of writing with a specific audience in mind and created a firm commitment to do so with regularity I have seldom achieved in the past.
The quotes issues on Fridays have been the top performers (both in terms of readers and in terms of sharing). There is a deeper message there I am still sorting out. Perhaps it is the ease of reading, maybe the weekly topical focus connects better with readers, or others may just like quotes as much as I do. Whatever the reason, those posts will continue every Friday.
There’s also been a disappointment or two…
The rapid plateau in subscriber growth has been the biggest disappointment for me. In the first couple of weeks, new readers joined every day, but over the past month, the net number has not changed. Not surprisingly, that makes me wonder if I should keep going.
Until last Thursday, I had hit my objective of publishing an issue every weekday. Ironically, the day I decided to write about hitting pause was the day I inadvertently did not publish. Long story, but it was one of those days when things just went in an unanticipated direction, and the publish button for the draft was never pressed. I chose to relish the irony and do a two-for quote post the next day to make me feel like I had not let anyone (including me) down.
A couple of observational lessons…
Growing the Audience — My experience publishing Aspire to Impact has reinforced something I have known for a long time and experienced before. Something creatives, speakers, authors, coaches, and consultants always need to keep in mind — the only one who is truly passionate about your new thing is YOU. People who know you, like you, trust you, care about you, maybe even love you and your work, are busy and not likely to promote your work.
That is not an attack on my readers or anyone else. It is just a reality. A new endeavor needs to gain traction, it needs to add value, and it needs to find its audience. The only way to do that is to stick with it until you start to see results, or to decide it is time to pull the plug and try a new path. You are the only one who can attract and serve your audience.
Frequency and Engagement — After this brief one-off experience, there is no way I can confidently make a recommendation regarding how long to continue before pulling the plug. What I can tell you is I am not going to do that (yet). I am going to consider whether I should adopt a less is more approach.
The idea of publishing less frequently emerged in the first couple of weeks. A couple of people who subscribed reached you to tell me they were unsubscribing because they just didn’t have the capacity to read a daily issue. I heard them but wanted to test the concept further, so I stuck with my daily plan. Today as I reflect on the path so far, I find myself thinking perhaps a once or twice a week path might add more value.
What you become is the real reward…
Since the heading for this section called for ‘a couple of lessons,’ we’ll consider this one a bonus. There is a reward in undertaking an experiment like Aspire to Impact — what you become through the process. Though it has only been a couple of months, this experience has changed me in some ways I did not expect.
My writing has evolved quickly. It is cleaner and crisper than in the past. I have become more aware of how reliant I am on certain words and phrases. As I continue and think about a person reading each issue, I am motivated to find other ways to say things. And I am getting better at leaving things out that should never have been included.
Finally, I have realized the value of a daily writing routine outside of my journal. While I won’t abandon my journaling, the personal nature of writing there has made me sloppy in my writing. Leaning too hard toward simply capturing my thinking in words on the page serves me well in sorting out my life, but it has limited value to others. My goal is to serve and my messages need to be written for those whom they will serve, not for me.
Today’s Action Question
If you have been reading Aspire to Impact and have found value in them, I would love to hear about it. My goal for sharing this writing publicly is to serve people who want to unleash their potential and change the world (or at least their little corner of it). If that is you, what would you like to see on the path forward to help you? Please share your thinking with me via email.