“You see, in my view a writer is a writer not because she writes well and easily, because she has amazing talent, because everything she does is golden. In my view a writer is a writer because even when there is no hope, even when nothing you do shows any sign of promise, you keep writing anyway."
― Junot Diaz
If you’re reading this there’s a good chance you do creative work of some kind. Maybe as a hobby or side-hustle, or maybe as your full-time gig. You know what it feels like to engage in creating something from an idea birthed in your own brain.

Photo by Clark Tibbs on Unsplash
Those of us driven to share the lessons we’ve ‘earned’ from our life’s journey want to create something great. Seeking to serve by revealing an insight, or perhaps an action, to help someone navigate their own journey. Making sense of things we didn’t understand when they happened, but now see objectively.
The process is simple, but it’s not easy.
It’s messy. It’s unpredictable. It’s a roller coaster of emotion and energy.
Yet we forge ahead. Driven to decode, decipher, deliver the message we know someone needs at the moment they need it.
Then, just when we think we’ve sorted through the muddle, we arrive at the crucible — the place where what we’ve crafted is subjected to intense scrutiny, assaulted by fear and doubt, and frequently pronounced dead on arrival by our harshest inner critic.
But you know what I’ve discovered?
When the mental anguish starts, there’s a reason for it. When we push past the distractions and detours the essence emerges. If it doesn’t, a new pathway appears and we pursue it with renewed passion, knowing we’re getting closer.
Though we often end up far away from where we thought we were going, we know we’ve moved the work one step closer to greatness.
That’s the magic of The Process.
We start with the seed in our mind, plant it, allow it to grow. We nurture and protect until the beauty within can emerge. Its destiny achieved.
What’s become clear to me in my work and reinforced through conversations with others is the necessity and power of Trusting The Process. Not controlling it, not directing it, but allowing it to lead you where you need to go…
So, what’s my point?
To remind those of us who create to remember that The Process Always Works. It has its own timetable and its own milestones. Revealed to us when we do the work. When its most uncomfortable, we’re nearing a point where the beauty within will become more visible.
And as we dance with that bit of insight we should allow it to inspire us to keep moving forward to do something great…
What will you create today?